Newsletters as a restaurant? Child's play

Using our drag-and-drop editor and variety of templates, you can get started right away.

Powerful software
without a high price tag

Want to build an audience of loyal subscribers? Start sending out newsletters for your restaurant with RestoManager today. 

Drag & Drop editor

RestoManagers newsletter software features an intuitive email editor. Design eye-catching emails in no time.

Newsletters hospitality industry

Restaurant specific templates

Need inspiration for your next email campaign? Grab a template from our gallery and start customizing a series of newsletters. 


Frequently Asked Questions

We briefly summarize the most frequently asked questions for you

We already have several templates prepared for you. You can easily customize it until you are satisfied

You can send up to 250 mails for free every month. After that, we charge 10 euros per 5,000 emails. This is on a monthly basis.

We will be tracking all the statistics for you, so you can keep track of the results of your mail campaigns!

Newsletter software