How do I create a floor plan?

Table of Contents

1. Login

  • Surf to and enter your login information. When you have successfully logged in after the two-step verification, you will be taken to the general dashboard.
  • Afterwards, you take a look at your settings left. Here you then click on "Floor Plan"

2. Add depth or zone

Click the plus (+) at the top or the purple button that floor hot.

When you have clicked on this you need to fill in the following fields:

The width and height are expressed in pixels and are still editable afterwards.

If you wish to use your zone immediately you can use this open with the check mark.

4. Add tables and chairs

Using the buttons below, you can add a wall and table.

When you click on them, they appear on your screen and you can drag them to a spot you find appropriate.

Next, you can make your restaurant functional.

When you hover your mouse over a table, the edit button pops up.

When you hover your mouse over a table, you can delete or edit it.

When editing a table, you can determine the following things:

  • the chosen table number
  • how many persons at least or maximum may sit at this table
  • the order opposite other tables in which it may be occupied
    • (Tables by the window, for example, you can have them occupied faster, making your business appear fuller and attracting more customers!)
  • or your table around or square is
  • with which tables this combined may be for larger groups

Now that our table plan is ready, we can install our reservation system on our website!

5. Complete table plan: an example

A fully developed table plan might look like this:

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